Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha
Pink Lady Apple Kombucha

About this 360° Photoshoot

Pink Lady Apple Kombucha from Health-Ade. These pictures were taken in our Boulder, Colorado 360° Photography Studio using the Giant Turn Turntable.

46 photos were used in this 360 degree image.

Pink Lady Apple Kombucha by Health-Ade

Set of 12 Bottles. Flavored with cold-pressed juice from organic Pink Lady Apples®, she’s incredibly crisp, slightly sweet, and always refreshing.

Product Specifications

Living Probiotics: 1 billion CFU. Probiotics are living bacteria that are known to improve gut health. When consumed, they contribute to a diverse microbiome which helps the rest of your body stay balanced.
Organic Acids: A blend of 4 healthy acids. During the fermentation process organic acids like acetic, lactic, gluconic and glucuronic acid are produced. These powerful “postbiotics” complete the many functions attributed to gut health.
Natural Antioxidants: Antioxidants make up your body's clean-up crew. These plant-based substances are known to support your body's overall health and wellbeing.

Other Information

70% of your immune system is in your gut!

Pink Lady Apple Kombucha

Regular price $49.95

About this 360° Photoshoot

Pink Lady Apple Kombucha from Health-Ade. These pictures were taken in our Boulder, Colorado 360° Photography Studio using the Giant Turn Turntable.

46 photos were used in this 360 degree image.

Pink Lady Apple Kombucha by Health-Ade

Set of 12 Bottles. Flavored with cold-pressed juice from organic Pink Lady Apples®, she’s incredibly crisp, slightly sweet, and always refreshing.

Product Specifications

Living Probiotics: 1 billion CFU. Probiotics are living bacteria that are known to improve gut health. When consumed, they contribute to a diverse microbiome which helps the rest of your body stay balanced.
Organic Acids: A blend of 4 healthy acids. During the fermentation process organic acids like acetic, lactic, gluconic and glucuronic acid are produced. These powerful “postbiotics” complete the many functions attributed to gut health.
Natural Antioxidants: Antioxidants make up your body's clean-up crew. These plant-based substances are known to support your body's overall health and wellbeing.

Other Information

70% of your immune system is in your gut!


  • 1 x 94"W x 94"D Turntable
  • Free installation of 360° spin software on your website(1)
  • 1st set of 360 Degree Photos for any object for free.

(1) 360 spin software is compatible with these platforms.



  • 1 x 94"W x 94"D Turntable for 4 weeks, starting the day you recieve it
  • $1,500 deposit that is refundable upon return of turntable
  • Your rental will go toward purchase if you choose to keep turntable.
  • If you return there is approx $125 return shipping fee.

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